
Organizational Assessment

We start by working with agency leadership to identify their top organizational issues and concerns. That process is followed by sending a survey to all employees or those identified by agency leadership, to determine how staff view the organization. Using the agency leadership feedback, the survey results, tabulated by a third party along with in-person interviews and on-site observations of the organization we analyze the data gathered using Derek Poarch and Associates proprietary system of analysis resulting in our providing you with recommendations to improve weaknesses that are identified in the organization.

Executive Search

Finding the right leader for an Emergency Communications Center (ECC), that is a perfect fit in terms of values, ethics, and experience, especially during a time of agency turmoil, isn’t easy.  It involves a Talent Search and is likely the most important decision that a governing body will make on the path to excellence.  Derek Poarch and Associates knows the leading ECC talent in the United States.  We have worked with many of them, trained hundreds of them and likely already have insight into the type of Talent that may be a good fit for your organization.  Why choose us?  Unlike many other companies offering Executive Search, we only search for Talent for ECCs, and we believe our many decades of ECC experience and industry knowledge makes us the best suited company in the country to assist you in getting the right Talent for placement during your next ECC Executive Search.

Culture Review

Across the United States in many ECCs, culture has been identified as a prime factor contributing to a lack of effectiveness, low morale, and weak performance.  Let the experienced professionals at Derek Poarch and Associates assess your organizational culture and provide recommendations that can be implemented for improvement in this vitally important area.

Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Emotional Intelligence has been identified as a key factor in determining individual and team success in organizations.  Derek Poarch and Associates is certified to administer both the Emotional Intelligence EQ-i 2.0 and 360-degree feedback assessment tools and to provide coaching for improvement related to the assessment results.  Whether for an individual looking for an assessment for self-improvement, a leadership team or the entire ECC staff, let us assist in improving your organization’s vitally important Emotional Intelligence.

Promotional Talent Identification

Using interviews and assessment tools we can assist in your promotional selection process by identifying strengths within candidates and by providing tools and coaching for the transition process to the new position.  In addition, we can provide input and tools for non-selected candidates to aid in their professional growth and preparation for future promotional opportunities.

Individual Candidate Coaching

Preparing to compete for that “perfect job”?  Derek Poarch and Associates can work with you by providing resume’ review and coaching to help you successfully navigate the promotional process.